«Ο Μύθος του Λευκού Φιδιού – Remix»
Christmas Theater
12 Φεβρουαρίου 2025
την ημέρα του Κινέζικου Φεστιβάλ των Φαναριών
Snake Year Benefit Show!
Τιμές εισιτηρίων από 8 ευρώ!
Η παράσταση, μια παραγωγή του Σινο-Ελληνικού Συλλόγου Παραστατικών Τεχνών, αποτελεί έναν εγκάρδιο εορτασμό για το Κινέζικο Νέο Έτος. Το 2025, το Κινέζικο Νέο Έτος τιμά το έτος του φιδιού και η παράσταση «Ο Μύθος του Λευκού Φιδιού – Remix» συνδυάζει την ιστορία του θρυλικού κινέζικου μύθου της Λευκής Κυράς με την ελληνική μυθολογία του θεού της ιατρικής, Ασκληπιού. Το αποτέλεσμα είναι ένα νέο κλασικό έργο που ενσαρκώνει τη φιλία και την πολιτιστική ανταλλαγή μεταξύ Κίνας και Ελλάδας.
The theatrical performance “The Legend of White Snake – Remix” returns to the Christmas Theater on February 12, 2025, the day of the Chinese Lantern Festival, for a unique Snake Year Benefit Show! Tickets start at just €8!
Produced by the Sino-Hellenic Performing Arts Alliance, this Chinese drama is a heartfelt celebration of the Chinese New Year. In 2025, the Chinese New Year marks the Year of the Snake, and “The Legend of White Snake – Remix” blends the tale of the legendary Chinese myth of the White Snake with the Greek mythology of Asclepius, the god of medicine. The result is a new classic that symbolizes the friendship and cultural exchange between China and Greece.
We warmly invite you to join us at the Christmas Theater to experience the festive atmosphere of the Chinese Year of the Snake and immerse yourself in the harmonious fusion of two ancient civilizations.
Since its successful premiere in June 2022, this performance has received high praise from Greek audiences and theater experts. The unique combination of Chinese and Greek storytelling, along with the presentation of traditional Chinese aesthetics, has deeply impressed viewers.
Like Greece, China boasts a long history, rich culture, breathtaking landscapes, and exquisite cuisine. As a distant eastern civilization, ancient China shares philosophical and creative ideas with ancient Greece. These two ancient cultures are united by a profound cultural connection and mutual understanding.
With Greek subtitles, this performance allows Greek audiences to enjoy a beautiful story that reflects the timeless spirit of both China and Greece without any language barriers.
Don’t miss this rare opportunity to experience the magic of ancient Chinese myths brought to life on stage in Greece!